by Admin
Posted on 23-11-2022 11:15 PM
Myth: nobody uses the yellow pages anymore. Fact: although usage statics can vary between rural and metropolitan dma’s, the truth is adults over the age of 50 use the yellow pages about half the time as a primary resource in finding a
. Usage rates increase considerably as the age of the consumer increases. Today’s customer can reach a business through multiple touch points and media options. Most media outlets would like you to believe that yellow pages is the last place you want to advertise. Here’s why they’re wrong.
Yellow page ad costs will vary from city to city and from publisher to publisher. However, here are some general numbers you can use regarding yellow pages advertising monthly costs. Despite the rise of online media, the monthly cost for yellow pages print advertising is still considered to be a good investment by many small business owners. After all, there are still a ton of people out there who use their printed, local yellow pages directory to find local vendors when they need something. So what are the monthly advertising costs for yellow pages ads? a business card size ad in the yellow pages might run about $250 to $400 per month.
Let me take a stab at this one by starting with a brief history lesson. At one time, the yellow pages was the evil empire of the advertising world. They to set up a perfectly designed paradigm amongst small businesses everywhere that success in life and in businesses ran through that little yellow book they published. At the same time they established pricing structures that made it almost impossible for businesses to down-size their ads when they realized the costs were too high. Such made for a financially debilitating cycle for many business owners. Luckily for all of us, this little thing called ‘the internet’ was invented and businesses far and wide celebrated cost effective advertising, nimble platforms and marketing solutions that actually worked!.
1. Get more business: once you list your business with us you're immediately part of our national database with over 27 million businesses like yours. Yellow pages directory inc. Makes it easier for the general public to find your business on the web when doing a web search . Our staff are experts in internet marketing and are dedicated to helping grow your business while saving the environment. It's our duty and responsibility to get your listing as many page views as possible. 2. Yellow pages directory, a name you can trust: the yellow pages has had a long history of quality name brand recognition.
One of the most confusing parts of the dot. Com boom was the lack of impact on yp companies. In fact, as the digital market began to flourish in the late 90s, yp revenues also hit record highs. These were confusing signals for everyone. This graph showcases yellow pages ltd (canada)’s stock trajectory over the past 15 years. The company actually achieved record share prices in 2006.
But, do you know what else was happening in the neighborhood of 2006? linkedin launched in 03, facebook in 04, youtube in 05, twitter in 06, and google was approaching age 10.
2. After the minimum period, your product will continue to be supplied at the latest price until cancelled. 3. Set up fees are non-refundable. 4. Top of list can only be purchased together with a yellow page professional or professional plus product. If you cancel the primary yellow pages product which is linked to your top of list, the top of list will be cancelled also. Ask us for more details. 5. You’re responsible for notifying us if you change your contact details. 6. Need to make changes to content of your ad? changes to yellow pages digital products can be made anytime, just get in touch.
Just so no one misunderstands, since the publisher's description of the book has disappeared from this page, these media quotes are being posted by the author's assistant, steve wilson, to show what the media thinks of "getting the most from your yellow pages advertising. " and we've got far more of these than we could ever post. The book truly is "the bible on how to advertise in the yellow pages. ""the definitive word on the subject. "-home office computing magazine"barry maher is the nation's leading independent authority on yellow pages advertising"-simba information, inc. (publishers, yellow pages & directory report)"discover effective design, layout and copy writing techniques.
So, it appears that each of the big yp companies is still experiencing financial stress. To flourish, they need to develop their digital sides to replace their legacy products, while simultaneously evolving to compete with google and other technological challengers. Those challengers’ strength in interactive marketshare doesn’t inspire confidence in the longterm chances for yellow pages. But, there is more going on than meets the eye. Some of these companies have very healthy (and even growing) internet traffic, and some have successfully leveraged partnership deals which help distribute their business listings out to consumers. They may be able to survive their diminishing print arms and develop sufficient niches to compete as viable longterm companies.